Friday, January 26, 2018

Java Decompiler

The “Java Decompiler project” aims to develop tools in order to decompile and analyze Java 5 “byte code” and the later versions.

Sunday, January 14, 2018


JMeter, an open source load testing tool, has an element that allows you to use external data sets in a CSV format. This element is called the “CSV Data Set Config”. The CSV Data Set Config is used to read lines from a file and to split them into variables.  

Find details here

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Linux Sed commnad (Replacing and Filtering )

The Linux operating system makes use of terminal commands to work with a computer's file system. The primary use of the Linux command sed, which is short for stream editor, is to modify each line of a file or stream by replacing specified parts of the line. It makes basic text changes to a file or input from a pipeline. 

For example, say you have a file named "songs.text" that contains these lines:

1, Justin Timberlake, Title 545, Price $6.30
2, Taylor Swift, Title 723, Price $7.90
3, Mick Jagger, Title 610, Price $7.90
4, Lady Gaga, Title 118, Price $6.30
5, Johnny Cash, Title 482, Price $6.50
6, Elvis Presley, Title 335, Price $6.30
7, John Lennon, Title 271, Price $7.90

Making Text Substitutions With Sed

If you want to change all price occurrences of $6.30 to $7.30, you can make the changes using the sed command in this way:

sed 's/6.30/7.30/' songs.txt > songs2.txt

This code makes the change and writes the modified file to "songs2.txt". The output file contains:

1, Justin Timberlake, Title 545, Price $7.30
2, Taylor Swift, Title 723, Price $7.90
3, Mick Jagger, Title 610, Price $7.90
4, Lady Gaga, Title 118, Price $7.30
5, Johnny Cash, Title 482, Price $6.50
6, Elvis Presley, Title 335, Price $7.30
7, John Lennon, Title 271, Price $7.90

If you want to replace all occurrences of "Cash" with "Trash" you use:

sed 's/Cash/Trash/' songs.txt > songs2.txt

which creates a file with content:

1, Justin Timberlake, Title 545, Price $7:30
2, Taylor Swift, Title 723, Price $7.90
3, Mick Jagger, Title 610, Price $7.90
4, Lady Gaga, Title 118, Price $7:30
5, Johnny Trash, Title 482, Price $6.50
6, Elvis Presley, Title 335, Price $7:30
7, John Lennon, Title 271, Price $7.90

Filtering With the Sed Command

Sed is also frequently used to filter lines in a file or stream. For example, if you only want to see the lines containing "John," you use:

sed -n '/John/p' songs.txt > johns.txt

which writes the following lines to file johns.txt:

5, Johnny Trash, Title 482, Price $6.50
7, John Lennon, Title 271, Price $7.90

Thursday, January 4, 2018

How do I search my command-line history for commands I used before?

Press Ctrl+R and type sshCtrl+R will start search from most recent command to old one (reverse-search). If you have more than one command which starts with ssh, Press Ctrl+Ragain and again until you find the match.
Once you've found the match you can press Enter to execute the command or left / right cursor to just select the text of the command.
There is no default reverse option for Ctrl+R to invert the direction of the search but here you will find some suggestions about it.

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